Channel Point

Add "Tu não é nada" video Alert Channel Point Reward

100 bits

Add "Tu não é nada" to Creati's Extension

About "Tu não é nadaVideo Alert

The video alert was uploaded by botzinspk and has been played on streams over 1.1k times. If you want to add this Tu não é nada video alert to your stream, you can either add it to an existing or new channel point reward or onto Creati's Extension where you can earn bits.


Hint: you can click a tag to explore more videos like them!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add 'Tu não é nada' video alert to my Twitch stream?


How many times has this alert been used?


Can I customize this alert?


How do I remove this alert from my Twitch stream?


Can I report an issue with this alert?


Start Customizing your Stream!

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